Member - Full-time Terms & Conditions

We are pleased to offer you a membership agreement with Salty Spaces.

Company: Cultured Space Pty Ltd T/a Salty Spaces

ABN: 55672504522

Address: PO Box 849, Mooloolaba QLD 4557

Phone: 54 377 646


Address of Co-working space: The Wharf Mooloolaba, 123 Parkyn Parade, Mooloolaba Qld 4557

Duration: Ongoing - 30 days notice required to terminate

Access days per week: 7 days

24/7 access: Yes

Boardroom Access (per month): 4hrs per month

Designated Desk: Yes

Use of Address for company: Yes

Printing services (per month): 200 B&W, 40 colour

Terms and Conditions


1. Membership & Services:

The terms and conditions apply to all coworking members whether full-time or casual membership, which must be adhered to.

Full-time members get a dedicated desk, whereas casual members will be assigned a desk and Salty Spaces will do its best to keep the desk the same week to week, but reserve the right to move the desk position depending on availability.

The nature of this agreement concerns the permission to use part of the premise for ordinary business use and additional services provided to the member.

Wifi internet connection is available for unlimited use, on a reasonable and fair basis.

Kitchen amenities are available for unlimited use for consumption on the premise, on a reasonable and fair basis.

Printing services - Allocated printing and boardroom hire inclusions reset each calendar month and cannot be accumulated.

Members with full-time memberships may use the premise address as their business address and have their mail delivered. Casual members may additionally purchase the virtual membership which includes this service, which attracts an additional fee.

2. Members conduct

Members are expected to maintain confidentiality regarding conversations and information exchanged within the coworking space. Handling sensitive information with discretion is important, respecting privacy considerations at all times.

Members must also not conduct any illegal or immoral activities or business in the premise or anywhere on the Wharf facility.

Members must not smoke in the office, and only smoke in designated areas in the Wharf facility.

Members must not sleep in premise, through day or overnight.

Members and their visitors must take care of the premise, equipment provided, and all common equipment and items. Any damages or breakages to Salty Spaces' facilities or equipment, including furniture, will be invoiced and charged to the member at the replacement or repair value, using their nominated bank account.

You are not permitted to assign, sub-let or allow any other person to use your allocated desk or entitlement to services, without prior written consent, which will be considered at our discretion.

Any physical or verbal altercations involving Salty Spaces team or other members will result in immediate membership cancellation.

Members must adhere to Salty Spaces' office policies, which is attached below. Failure to comply may result in warnings. Three warnings will be issued for policy violations before membership may be terminated. We reserve the right to update these policies when appropriate which will come in with immediate effect, as these policies are made to make the experience of all members as enjoyable and comfortable as possible.

Visitors of members must not attend the premise without the member unless organised with Salty Spaces staff.

3. Fees:

Membership fees are payable on a monthly basis in advance via direct debit. The initial fee may be pro-rated to bring into normal billing period.

Additional costs for printing, scanning, boardroom hire, or other services, which are above the services agreed in the package, will be charged weekly to the member's nominated bank account.

For failed payments, a $10 penalty fee will be applied.

Members are responsible for the replacement fee for lost or damaged office keys.

Membership fee may be revised, members will be given 30 days notice of changes.

4. Membership Duration and Termination:

Membership is ongoing (unless otherwise arranged which should be dated above) until notice has been given by the member or terminated by Salty Spaces.

Full-time and casual memberships require a 30-day written notice for terminate, by emailing -

We reserves the right to terminate membership for reasons including non-payment, breach of these terms, misconduct of member, breach of office policies, or if we deem appropriate, at our own discretion, with immediate effect.

For non-payment - we may terminate membership if payment hasn't been made 2 weeks since the invoice has been made. Within this time we will bring this to your attention at least 3 times.

If membership is terminated, Salty Spaces reserves the right to withhold services and entry to the premises.

5. Liability & Insurance

Salty Spaces, and their related entities, management, employees or contractors, are not liable for any injuries or accidents that occur on its premises. Members and visitors assume responsibility for their safety while within the coworking space.

Members are responsible to obtain their own insurance for their property, and to cover liability owed to their own employees, visitors, or any other persons.

Salty Spaces takes measures to secure digital systems and personal data. However, we are not liable for any hacking incidents, data breaches, or loss of digital/personal data. Members are encouraged to safeguard their digital information.

6. Modification of Terms:

Salty Spaces reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions. Members will be notified of any changes in advance.


1. Bookings and Cancellations

Boardroom bookings must be made via the Salty Spaces system and are subject to availability.

Cancellations require 24 hours notice. Any bookings not cancelled within 24 hours will be fully payable, or count towards the members membership allocated board room hours.

All booking fees and catering are paid in advance. Payment is required before booking is confirmed.

2. Members and visitors conduct:

An appropriate amount of noise is accepted within the boardroom and when entering the facility in the common areas.

Reception can greet your visitors upon arrival and show them into the board room, if they are available. This is complimentary and not included in service and therefore should not be expected. Unless otherwise arranged with Salty Spaces team.

Members and their visitors must take care of the premise, equipment provided, and all common equipment and items. Any damages or breakages to Salty Spaces' facilities or equipment, including furniture, will be invoiced and charged to the member at the replacement or repair value, using their nominated bank account.

The member is responsible for their visitor's conduct and behaviour.

3. Catering:

You may offer tea, coffee, water and mentos to your visitors when there is a boardroom booking for up to 3 boardroom attendees, including yourself. Which is on a reasonable and fair basis. Any more boardroom attendees will attract additional costs to cater for these attendees (exc water which has unlimited use).

We can also offer to cater for your boardroom bookings with drinks, and meals for neighbouring restaurants. All of which will attract additional fees which will be quoted and paid for before event.

4. Boardroom Use

You may use the boardroom for team meetings, client meetings, board meetings, seminars, education/training sessions, or events.

For after hours boardroom use (outside 8am-5pm on weekdays), addition fees will apply to cover Salty Spaces staffing.

Office Policy:

Implementing office policies helps create a cohesive and conducive work environment, fostering a positive experience for all members while ensuring the smooth operation of the co-working space.

We will from time to time add or change these policies. Please feel free to send through any suggestions to improve your experience.

Clean Desk Policy:

Personal gear must be kept on or under desks.

No plates or glasses left on tables - to avoid attracting ants, or other bugs.

Kitchen and Amenities:

Clean the coffee machine after use, including remove coffee bean and washing utensils.

Dishes to be placed in the dishwasher, not left in sink.

Benches wiped down after use.

Neatly store food in the communal fridge.

Consume/make provided kitchen amenities within the office.

Meeting Conduct:

Maintain respectful noise levels during calls or meetings.

If you are talking to other members for longer than a 10-15min time, like a meeting, please do so in the boardroom (pending availability) or downstairs restaurants.

Workspace Hygiene:

Dispose of rubbish in designated bins.

Keep bathroom facilities clean and tidy.

General Etiquette:

Report any breakages or need for replenishing items to reception staff.

Treat fellow Salty Spaces team and members respectfully and kindly.

Additional Guidelines:

Storage is for pre-organized goods.

Bikes and scooters must be stored at the provided bike rack near the car parking lot. Wharf management do complain to staff at Sea Restaurant for leaving their scooters/skateboards in the stairway.

Cobot Terms & Conditions

Cobot is the web platform used by Salty Spaces to provide this website.

See Cobot Terms
